In the past our UofA girls have not fared too well at these awards. A lot of time it's how well you word the award application, not necessarily what you did. Needless to say Chi Omega almost swept the sororities again this year. BUT, we did get awards in all the categories we applied for: 1st Place "New Member Programming Award"; and 2nd Place "Chapter Management Award".
I was extremely honored by the chapter to be nominated for "Outstanding Chapter Advisor", which I won. It's a shame that the award goes to just one person when I need to share the award with Catherine, my right-hand chickie. Thanks Cat, for being such a help this past year! Sorry, we couldn't find you a "date-able" fraternity advisor at the ceremony; there were some cuties in the 19-to-22-year-old catetgory though (um, a little young I think). Next year, the award goes to you!!

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