Another great accomplishment (although it's not too exciting to talk about in public) is that he is pretty much completely potty-trained! He's been diaper free for almost 2 weeks. He is even staying dry during the night. He has to stay accident-free for 2 weeks in his daycare class for him to bump up to the 3-year-old room. He is 1-week into it, so fingers crossed he does well this week. He has spent some afternoon time over with the 3's, so it should be a smooth transition for him.
The third item of news is that I found out from our Tucson March of Dimes Chapter that Evan is the top youth walker for 2009 in the southern Arizona region AND number 241 nationwide! A huge thanks to everyone who continues to support Evan in the various March of Dimes events such as the Jail and Bail and Walk for Babies.
For the past few Saturdays, Evan has been participating in a introductory sports program for 3-5 year olds with the city. For 2 weeks they did baseball and the past 2 weeks were basketball. Next week is soccer (yeah). We have some video of him that we'll post, so stay tuned. Most of the time we chased him around since he wasn't interested in doing what the other kids were doing.
Here is his class picture from Carmichael Elementary Special Preschool: