Friday, October 31, 2008


It was a busy day today! Evan's daycare had a Halloween party today, so they encouraged the kids to dress up. I didn't want to risk Evan messing up his evening costume (see below), so we went simple and dressed him in his Steelers jersey. The father of one of the other kids in his class is also a big Steelers fan (he ironically went to St. Vincent College and Thiel College). For those of you in the 'Burgh area, you know those schools. His daughter didn't want to wear the Steeler cheerleader uniform they dressed her in. I thought it would have been so cute to have her and Evan both in Steeler garb.

Every morning, Evan looks for the garbage truck:

Evan Halloween Costume #1: Big Ben!

Evan Halloween Costume #2: Jinbei Outfit from Japan

Sierra Vista United Methodist Chruch had a big fall festival. Evan didn't quite know what to do. Out in the parking lot they had a "trunk or treat" for the kids (so you don't have to go door-to-door).

Evan found a fun game to play:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Using the Dog Door

We recently installed a new dog door that will allow Max to get in and out of the house easier. This door is a little taller than the old one, and doesn't have a rise like the old one did. As you can see fro the videos, Evan has taken a liking to using the dog door as his means of going outside.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bisbee Stairclimb 2008!

The third Saturday of each October is a special's Bisbee Stairclimb Day! I had mentioned in earlier posts about training for the event. My co-worker Terri and I did a handful of practice runs to get prepared. Despite all the practice runs, it never gets any easier, you just recover faster.

Evan was a bit antsy in the beginning since it wasn't our normal routine to just hang around waiting. All along the way I had comments from people about how in the world I could do the steps with Evan on my back. It wasn't too hard when you train for it. :-) We think our time was about 1 hour and 30 minutes...which is pretty good considering our practice runs were about 1 hour 45 minutes. We decided to run the first downhill leg through Tombstone Canyon (until Terri reinjured her hamstring). After that, we just stuck with walking. Evan thought it was so funny bouncing up and down in the backpack as we were running. The people around us were laughing at his laughter.

Evan being antsy...saying..."Why aren't we walking already??!!"

Shocking! A picture of the boy sitting still!

This is my co-worker Terri (these pics are from her cell phone).

A view of the mass of humanity before the start

We were in the corral waiting to go...Evan was pointing out people he thought we could easily beat.

Stair #1 Super-easy!

Stair #2 Another easy one!

Stair #3 It's starting to get hard!

Stair #4 Aaargh...hating this!

Stair #5 The dreaded Maxwell Stairs! Made it to the top of High Street. How fitting of a name for a street in Bisbee! Evan was so worn out even he needed a drink of water.

Stair #6 The worst is over, but alas, more steps to climb!

Stair #7 Nice easy set of steps...I think Evan was sleeping by this time.

Stair #8 One more left after this set...

During our training sessions, Terri and I said we would get a picture of this street sign. Funny with the Obama sign behind us (sooooo Bisbee).

Stair #9 The last set! At the top of the stairs, these guys starting chanting "We're not worthy" when they saw us coming up that last set.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My First Day with the Twos!

It was a pretty cold morning this morning (the car temp said 50 degrees....brrrr). I had to dig around to find Evan a pair of pants...I was shocked to find his pants don't fit him anymore (they're like capris on him now). The boy is finally growing taller! I did find a pair of pants I thought were way too long for him, but they fit him perfectly. We're finally in a size 12 month pant!

Evan's first day in his new classroom today! When I dropped him off, he wasn't too sure of things. There were only 2 other children there in his class and his regular morning teacher wasn't there yet. I handed him to the teacher on duty and he didn't cry, so that was a good thing.

The report when we picked him up was that he had a GREAT day! He buddied around with his best bud Hayden (who just turned 2 but is a good head taller than Evan is).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Little Punkin'!

Evan's first trip to Apple Annie's up in Willcox didn't thrill him too much. He did love watching the tractors go by. We're hoping he'll now realize that Dad doesn't drive a tractor (he always points to the tractor in one of his books and says "Dad-da").

The weather couldn't have been better (a little overcast for Mom would have made it perfect). The bad weather from Hurricane Norbert blew through our region on Friday and Saturday, so it was relatively chilly (in the upper 60's). You can hear the wind in these clips.

At Apple Annie's, you can pick your own pumpkins and other items such as sunflowers, peppers and squash. We found a decent sized pumpkin that wasn't roughed up too much to carve up for Halloween. There are hayrides that take you further out into the patch and a corn maze to wander through. The best part was the caramel kennel corn for Dad.

It was hard getting Evan to do 2 things at once: stand still and look at the camera. He's caught on to the whole camera thing and wants to hold the camera himself. You can get him to stand still, but he'll be stubborn and not look at the camera.

Wandering the pumpkin patch:

Helping Dad with the pumpkin:

Riding back to the barn:

Playing in the corn bin:

Walking through the corn maze..."Children of the Corn" flashback! Lookout for Malachi!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Going to Apple Annie's On Sunday!

Here is a an aerial view of the corn maze at Apple Annie's

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Moving to the 2s on Monday!

I wasn't sure if I posted earlier, but we found out Evan will be moving up to the 2-year old room on Monday the 13th! A few days this week his teachers tested the water and took him over there for an hour or so. From what I heard, he did great...since he was the "new kid" the older 2s were over-protective of him (how cute). We'll see how long that lasts! ;-)

On Tuesday morning I stopped into his new room so I could meet the morning teacher (Ms. Yvette) and she is very aware of Evan's food challenges and vertical challenge (height). Luckily, one of Evan's 1-year teachers has bumped up to the class, so he'll have someone looking out for him. It was a little shocking to see how much bigger these kids are (and how much they talk).

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Jacuzzi Bubbles

Evan has his own unique way of making a jacuzzi bath...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Art Work Update

A catch-up on some old artwork of Evan's. There weren't any dates on these, so we'll just call them...Late Summer 2008 Collection. I've added artwork to some old posts. To view them, just click the "artwork" label.