Evan had a last minute doctor run to get his Synagis shot. This is that crazy-expensive once-a-month shot he needs to help prevent RSV. He received his first shot back in September, so this is just his second shot. He's supposed to get them monthly during the cold and flu season. He'll get his next one right before Christmas. He did relatively great during the injection. He was all happy until the nurse poked him. He turned bright red...no sound came out like it took his breath away...and then the cry let out. He didn't cry for too long and within a few minutes, it was as if he was back to normal.
We get to do this again next Tuesday at his 4-month well-baby visit with Dr. Ettinger. He'll get his next round of immunizations. Fun!
**Weight Update: 9 lbs. 15 oz.**
Chronological age: 19 weeks and 5 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months, 1 week and 6 days
Blogging the daily journal of Evan Michael Dorris, a southern Arizona Steeler (and Florida Gator) boy, born at 30 weeks 6 days on July 14, 2006. Weighing in at 3.5 pounds and 16.25 inches long.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
11/27/06: Day 136 (Mon.) I Want My MTV!

A weird picture I know...but it was funny. Evan was in a really good mood this morning. I put him down on our bed while I was taking a shower. He was really enthralled with watching VH1 Classics. He's been awake a lot more recently and has really taken to watching football and cartoons. When he drinks his bottle, he likes to have his head tilted off to one side so he can watch the action.
Chronological age: 19 weeks and 3 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months, 1 week and 4 days
Sunday, November 26, 2006
11/26/06: Day 135 (Sun.) A Lost Season...
I guess it was too much to ask for to have the Gators and the Steelers win in the same weekend! The bright hope is that the Gators will win against Arkansas in the SEC Championship Game. I have accepted the fact that the Steelers will not win their division this year. :-(
Chronological age: 19 weeks and 2 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months, 1 week and 3 days
Chronological age: 19 weeks and 2 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months, 1 week and 3 days
Saturday, November 25, 2006
11/25/06: Day 134 (Sat.) Gators Win (Whew)!*

A picture of Evan doing what he loves to do...sleep in his swing. We gave him a break from the O2 since his skin was looking rough. Later in the day, Evan watched the Florida-Florida State game with his dad. Evan gave the Seminoles his Gator Chomp!
Chronological age: 19 weeks and 1 day
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months, 1 week and 2 days
4 Months Old,
Friday, November 24, 2006
11/24/06: Day 133 (Fri.) Off We Go!
I ran across some websites that help parents choose how to save for their children's college education. One website calcuated it will cost at least $50,000 year for an in-state public university by the time Evan goes to college (CRAZY)!! So, we decided that he has to attend a service academy (preferably the Air Force Academy since it's closer). So, here's the link to Evan's future alma mater: U.S. Air Force Academy
Chronological age: 19 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months, 1 week and 1 day
Chronological age: 19 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months, 1 week and 1 day
Thursday, November 23, 2006
11/23/06: Day 132 (Thurs.) Happy Thanksgiving!*
It's been really hard finding time to blog lately, so apologies to those of you missing your Evan-fix for the day!
Evan on his surfboard tummy mat
The pups helping with dinner (I have no idea why T is only wearing one sock)!
Chronological age: 18 weeks and 6 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months and 1 week
Evan on his surfboard tummy mat
The pups helping with dinner (I have no idea why T is only wearing one sock)!
Chronological age: 18 weeks and 6 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months and 1 week
4 Months Old,
surfboard mat,
tummy time,
Saturday, November 18, 2006
11/18/06: Day 127 (Sat.) Trying to Get a Smile *
A little milestone I've noticed is that Evan is smiling more (when he's not gassy). Dad can get some good smiles out of him when he makes funny noises at him.
Chronological age: 18 weeks and 1 day
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months and 2 days
Chronological age: 18 weeks and 1 day
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months and 2 days
Friday, November 17, 2006
11/17/06: Day 126 (Fri.) Bath Night
Evan's bath night! Always an exciting event...lots of screaming! With all the screaming he is doing now, I will laugh if he ends up being a swimmer.
Chronological age: 18 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months and 1 day
Chronological age: 18 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 months and 1 day
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
11/14/06: Day 123 (Tues.) 4 Months Old!
Chronological age: 17 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 4 weeks and 1 day
Chronological age: 17 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 4 weeks and 1 day
Sunday, November 12, 2006
11/12/06: Day 121 (Sun.) I Missed The Steeler Win!
Today was one looong day! My Theta girls held their nominating committee meeting to create the slate of new officers. In the past, these meetings last a few hours...but this time we set a record I hope will never be broken...12 hours. Thanks to my right-hand-lady Catherine for sticking it out with me!
Since I was sequestered away all day, I didn't get to watch the Steelers finally win a game!
Chronological age: 17 weeks and 2 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 6 days
Since I was sequestered away all day, I didn't get to watch the Steelers finally win a game!
Chronological age: 17 weeks and 2 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 6 days
Saturday, November 11, 2006
11/11/06: Day 120 (Sat.) Bath Day For Pups!*
Bath day for pups is always such a fun day! The dogs know when it's coming when Dad gets the "special" towels out of the closet. I added a "*" in the title of any posts with video in case you want to revisit old video clips without having to click on each post.
Earlier, Evan was in the lotus "Ohm" position....feet crossed, hands on his knees with his palms facing up. I couldn't get a picture of it in time.
Chronological age: 17 weeks and 1 day
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 month 0 weeks and 0 days
Earlier, Evan was in the lotus "Ohm" position....feet crossed, hands on his knees with his palms facing up. I couldn't get a picture of it in time.
Chronological age: 17 weeks and 1 day
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 month 0 weeks and 0 days
Friday, November 10, 2006
11/10/06: Day 119 (Fri.) 17 Weeks Old!
Chronological age: 4 months 1 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 6 days
Chronological age: 4 months 1 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 6 days
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
11/7/06: Day 116 (Tues.) Doctor Visit
Evan had his "well-baby" check-up with Dr. Ettinger today. When they weighed him, he was 9lbs. 4oz., which is less than when I weighed him on our home scale on Friday. I would guess my home scale is off a bit. We had thought Evan would get some shots today, but that has been put off for a few weeks. He is due for his Synagis shot...that is the shot to help prevent RSV that is crazy-expensive (over $2000 a shot). The nurse said they are waiting on word from our insurance to o.k. the shot. Once they get the o.k., we'll bring him in for that shot. He will get his 4 month shots at the start of December. I am anticipating that will not be fun.
The doc said his lungs sounded great (yea)! He predicted Dr. Morgan will take him off the O2 when we see him again on December 15th. When Evan hits the 10 pound mark (which I think will be in about a week and a half), we can stop giving him the Lasix dose. He is still getting the Poly Visol vitamins once a day. During feedings, we have been mixing his formula to equal 24 calories per ounce to give him a bot more calories per day to help boost his weight. Dr. Ettinger says we can back off on that and just mix his formula to be 22 cal/ounce, which will be a bit easier on his digestive tract.
So, he's doing just great...slowly (slowly) catching up to where he needs to be on weight and length. Dr. Ettinger commented on how he is getting baby fat, and that's a good thing. His cheeks, arms and legs are getting chubby! He is starting smile a bit more also.
On a different note...Evan slept AGAIN from midnight until 6am...two nights in a row! Fingers crossed it will last!
**Weight check: 9 lbs. 4oz.**
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 3 days
The doc said his lungs sounded great (yea)! He predicted Dr. Morgan will take him off the O2 when we see him again on December 15th. When Evan hits the 10 pound mark (which I think will be in about a week and a half), we can stop giving him the Lasix dose. He is still getting the Poly Visol vitamins once a day. During feedings, we have been mixing his formula to equal 24 calories per ounce to give him a bot more calories per day to help boost his weight. Dr. Ettinger says we can back off on that and just mix his formula to be 22 cal/ounce, which will be a bit easier on his digestive tract.
So, he's doing just great...slowly (slowly) catching up to where he needs to be on weight and length. Dr. Ettinger commented on how he is getting baby fat, and that's a good thing. His cheeks, arms and legs are getting chubby! He is starting smile a bit more also.
On a different note...Evan slept AGAIN from midnight until 6am...two nights in a row! Fingers crossed it will last!
**Weight check: 9 lbs. 4oz.**
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 3 days
3 Months Old,
doctor visit,
Dr. Ettinger,
Dr. Morgan,
weight check
Monday, November 06, 2006
11/6/06: Day 115 (Mon.) 6 Hours of Sleep!
O.k....a little milestone...Evan slept from midnight until 6:15am...completely missing his 3am feeding. We'll see if this was an anomaly...or could he be getting into the routine of sleeping longer?
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 3 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 2 days
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 3 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 2 days
Sunday, November 05, 2006
11/5/06: Day 114 (Sun.) Me and My Buddy
Saturday, November 04, 2006
11/4/06: Day 113 (Sat.) Updating the timeline
I've updated Evan's timeline of significant events from a previous post:
October 17 (Day 95): Appointment with Dr. Morgan at Pediatric Pulmonary Clinic in Tucson (Evan still on O2)
September 19 (Day 67): Evan discharged from Sierra Vista Hospital! Comes home on oxygen
September 16 (day 64): His original due date
September 14 (Day 62): Got his Hepatitis & Synagis shots
August 29 (Day 46): Transferred back to Sierra Vista Hospital
August 25 (Day 42): Started bottle-feeding
August 18 (Day 35): PIC line removed; off the IV; up to full feeds with gavage
August 15 (Day 32): Passed hearing test; had ROP test done
August 13 (Day 30): CPAP removed; put on nasal cannula; classified as Level II care
August 11 (Day 28): T gets to hold Evan for first time
August 9 (Day 26): Got his first bath by mom
August 8 (Day 25): Moved into the 3rd pod/condition downgraded
August 7 (day 24): Respirator removed; put on nasal CPAP; held by Jen for the first time; moved into a crib
August 5 (Day 22): Oscillating respirator removed, put on conventional respirator
August 2 (Day 19): Arterial line removed
July 31 (Day 17): PDA healed
July 28 (Day 14): PDA discovered
July 25 (Day 11): Off the bilights; bi-carb burn on his right foot discovered; Jen's first diaper change
July 23 (day 9): PIC line inserted
July 21 (Day 7): mild IVH grades detected in brain
July 18 (Day 4): Pulmonary hemmorhage detected; put on ocillating respirator
July 14 (Day 1): Born by emergency c-section in Sierra Vista Hospital and air-evac'ed to University Medical Center in Tucson
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 1 day
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 0 days
October 17 (Day 95): Appointment with Dr. Morgan at Pediatric Pulmonary Clinic in Tucson (Evan still on O2)
September 19 (Day 67): Evan discharged from Sierra Vista Hospital! Comes home on oxygen
September 16 (day 64): His original due date
September 14 (Day 62): Got his Hepatitis & Synagis shots
August 29 (Day 46): Transferred back to Sierra Vista Hospital
August 25 (Day 42): Started bottle-feeding
August 18 (Day 35): PIC line removed; off the IV; up to full feeds with gavage
August 15 (Day 32): Passed hearing test; had ROP test done
August 13 (Day 30): CPAP removed; put on nasal cannula; classified as Level II care
August 11 (Day 28): T gets to hold Evan for first time
August 9 (Day 26): Got his first bath by mom
August 8 (Day 25): Moved into the 3rd pod/condition downgraded
August 7 (day 24): Respirator removed; put on nasal CPAP; held by Jen for the first time; moved into a crib
August 5 (Day 22): Oscillating respirator removed, put on conventional respirator
August 2 (Day 19): Arterial line removed
July 31 (Day 17): PDA healed
July 28 (Day 14): PDA discovered
July 25 (Day 11): Off the bilights; bi-carb burn on his right foot discovered; Jen's first diaper change
July 23 (day 9): PIC line inserted
July 21 (Day 7): mild IVH grades detected in brain
July 18 (Day 4): Pulmonary hemmorhage detected; put on ocillating respirator
July 14 (Day 1): Born by emergency c-section in Sierra Vista Hospital and air-evac'ed to University Medical Center in Tucson
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 1 day
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 3 weeks and 0 days
Friday, November 03, 2006
11/3/06: Day 112 (Fri.) TGIF!
Thank God It's Friday! It was nice that I started back to work mid-week. It made the week go a little faster. I found it hard to keep up with posting this week...I hope to not be so lax in the future! This weekend I'll get caught up on posting some vids of the little guy for those of you who need your Evan-fix! ;-)
** Unoffical Weight Check Update: 9 lbs. 10 oz. **
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 2 weeks and 6 days
** Unoffical Weight Check Update: 9 lbs. 10 oz. **
Chronological age: 4 months 0 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 2 weeks and 6 days
Thursday, November 02, 2006
11/2/06: Day 111 (Thurs.) Sleep? What's that?
Rough sleeping last night now that we are both working at the same time! Of course Evan didn't want to sleep in his playyard...so he ended up in the bed between us. Shocking...he slept like a baby. Now, before all of you blast us with your comments on how bad it is to have a baby sleep in bed with you...rest assured that we're not going to suffocate him since he sleeps with the apnea monitor! Let me tell you...at this point...it's all about getting a good night's sleep for everyone (Evan and us)! We'll work on getting him to sleep in his crib at a later time!
Chronological age: 3 months 3 weeks and 6 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 2 weeks and 5 days
Chronological age: 3 months 3 weeks and 6 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 2 weeks and 5 days
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
11/1/06: Day 110 (Wed.) Back to Work (Again)
Back to work.....again...bummer! It's just like I never left!
Chronological age: 3 months 3 weeks and 5 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 2 weeks and 4 days
Chronological age: 3 months 3 weeks and 5 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 2 weeks and 4 days
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